Books on World War, Conspiracies and Revisionist History
Amazon.com - bless them! While
they're a convenient source, they often don't stock the works
which a serious researcher needs.
The following books are recommended by
ThreeWorldWars, with a link to the book on Amazon. Where
possible I've listed the publisher or an alternative source in
case Amazon does not stock the book. Listed in the left
column are bestsellers from various war categories, selected
dynamically by Amazon (i.e. not necessarily recommended by
ThreeWorldWars). Click your refresh button or press F5
if general Amazon adverts appear instead of book titles - it's
a glitch in Amazon servers, as far as I can tell.
If you are interested in reviewing a relevant title,
please click here to submit your review.
See also:
Freemasonry Titles and
Advanced Reading.
The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial
Nature of History by A. Ralph Epperson The book indirectly responsible for this website.
It is
the contention of the author that the major events of the
past, the wars, the depressions and the revolutions, have
been planned years in advance by an international
conspiracy. This view is called the Conspiratorial View of
History, and is definitely not the view held by the
majority of historians today. The more traditional view is
called The Accidental View of History, and it holds that
no one really knows why events happen--they just do.
While there are many of Epperson's
claims which can't be believed, this is an excellent basis
to start research into the concept of Conspiratorial
History. I've purchased many copies over the years
as gifts for people in search of truth.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 9/10 |
Order direct from UK publisher or
The original 1977 edition of David Irving's
revolutionary biography Hitler's War,
has been scanned and converted into 42
chapters in html format, which you can
download free. |
Hitler's War by David Irving
Banned in most western countries as being written by a
holocaust denier, Hitler's War is written by a
historian of note. David Irving has made a career of
historical investigation and writing, primarily concerning
the World War II era. His landmark work, Hitler's War,
is what first got him in trouble. He made the mistake of
depicting Hitler truthfully. Not as the made-up monster
that some would have you believe, but as a highly
charismatic and effective, albeit flawed, national leader.
This is without a doubt, the most
accurate record of WW2 anywhere, if you can find it.
I would suggest trying second hand book stores, or try an
online search. It's worth the trouble trying to find
the books - you will be well rewarded.
Hitler’s War – 1939-1942 – ISBN
Hitler’s War – 1939-1942 – ISBN 0333357914
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 9/10
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies
by William T. Still
If you
already know something about the New World Order, CFR,
Bilderberger, C100, etc, then the best thing about this
book is the detail. Very impressive, full of leads, a
little scary and great food for thought.
While I
don't believe everything stated in the book, accuracy is
surprisingly high. Still mentions that the elites
were planning 3 world wars in 1871, and everything they
have planned has come true.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 9/10
The New World Order Exposed by
Victor Thorn
Shows in brilliant detail how a cabal
of international bankers is deliberately trying to
undermine America. This book is quite possibly the most
comprehensive of its kind to expose not only who actually
runs the world, but also what their goals and motives are.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 9/10
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Under the Sign of the Scorpion
by Jüri Lina
Lina’s book reveals what the secret
societies and the authorities are desperate to keep
hidden—how Illuminati revolutionaries in the United
States, Britain, and Germany—including Marx, Lenin,
Trotsky, and Stalin—conspired to overthrow the Czar of
Russia. It details also how these monsters succeeded in
bringing the bloody reign of Illuministic Communism to the
Soviet Empire and to half the world’s population.
Banned in most Western nations.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 8/10
New World Order by A. Ralph Epperson
Author of "The Unseen Hand", has tried
to pick up where he left off with "The New World Order".
Packed with details and research, Epperson challenges the
reader to turn the page only to reveal another startling
revelation. Unfortunately not as detailed as his
previous book, but an excellent read nonetheless.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 8/10
Free to Be Human: Intellectual Self-defence in an Age
of Illusions by David Edwards
Building on the work of writers such as
Chomsky and Herman, David Edwards shows how the propaganda
system distorts our understanding of political, personal
and spiritual issues, ensuring that we remain passive,
conformist, confused and uninformed - and willing to
accept the irrational values of corporate consumerism. He
argues that we need to master the arts of "intellectual
self-defence", in order to become able to challenge the
"necessary illusions" of a system that subordinates people
and planet to the drive for profit.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 8/10
If this book is not available from Amazon, try
Numerology by Austin Coates
In addition to representing quantities,
many people believe that numbers have deeper meanings. A
noted orientalist and writer, Coates explains his system
of reading people's characters and predicting their
fortunes based on their names and birth dates.
Useful for understanding the occult meaning behind
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 8/10
If this book is not available from Amazon, try
Run For Cover Books.
God's Prophetic Blueprint by Bob Shelton
The last days, end times destruction of
Satan and his forces. God's Prophetic Blueprint presents a
clear discussion of the Bible prophecies concerning the
final days of the earth and God's judgment of mankind,
including the Rapture of the church, the Battle of
Armageddon, and the Great White Throne Judgment.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 7/10
Mother Shipton: The Missing Prophecies by Anthony
A little known book, Mother Shipton is based on the
prophecies of an Australian, Miss Frances Yule, and covers
more than 1,000 years. A major war is predicted in
Almost 20 predictions have been fulfilled
already, including 9/11. Characters such as
Rudy Giuliani, both Presidents Bush, and Vice-President
Cheney, as well as Osama bin Laden are identifiable in the
verses from cursory descriptions that hit the mark and give
dates that are very close to the facts. Viagra is predicted
thus: 'A man who cannot father children can take a new pill
overnight...' and '...the drug whose name is V for sex mad
orgies shall be sold'.
If this book is not available from Amazon,
email the
author directly (in the UK).
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 7/10
Against All Enemies: Inside
America's War on Terror by Richard A. Clarke
You cannot
discuss 9-11 or Iraq, and be credible, without having read
this book carefully and thoroughly.
Clarke, the
former counterterrorism czar for both Bill Clinton and
George W. Bush is an authority on the subject. He began
his federal service in 1973, in the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, served under seven presidents and
has been involved with national security until he resigned
his position in 2003. After devoting two decades of his
professional life to fighting terrorism, Mr. Clarke
probably knows more about al Qaeda, Osama bin Ladin and
why our government failed to prevent September 11 than
anyone else in the US.
Clarke begins by pointing out that four
US Presidents, not one, are responsible for the over-all
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 7/10
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen
Americans have lost touch with their
history, and in this thought-provoking book, Professor
James Loewen shows why. After surveying twelve leading
high school American history texts, he has concluded that
not one does a decent job of making history
interesting or memorable. Marred by an embarrassing
combination of blind patriotism, mindless optimism, sheer
misinformation, and outright lies, these books omit almost
all the ambiguity, passion, conflict, and drama from our
Only relevant to those interested
in US history.
ThreeWorldWars Rating: 6/10 |