Earthquake Resurrection: Supernatural Catalyst for the
Coming Global Catastrophe. By David W. Lowe.

Eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano. Quaking
ruptures of the New Madrid and San Andreas fault zones.
Eruption of Mount St. Helen’s, Mauna Loa, and South
Sisters volcanic systems in America and Cumbre Vieja off
the coast of Africa. Could these and other natural
disasters be associated with the future resurrection of
the dead in Christ?
According to Earthquake Resurrection, the answer is
yes. The resurrection of the dead in Christ will be
accompanied by worldwide global catastrophe. A close
examination of the resurrection to immortality of Jesus,
the “many saints” of Matthew 27, and the two witnesses
in Revelation, reveals a startling connection between
all three: earthquakes.
Earthquake Resurrection gets it name, then, from the
idea that the future resurrection of the dead in Christ
will continue in the pattern of these three
resurrections, in that worldwide earthquakes and other
catastrophic events will result. The power of God
released when a human being is resurrected and
transformed to immortality, according to the Bible, has
a powerful effect on the surrounding earth. The shroud
may hold evidence to this effect.
The events described in the sixth seal include a
massive earthquake, a red moon and black sun from
volcanic explosions, and movement of every mountain and
island. The reaction of the people on the earth to those
events provide ample evidence that the the future 7-year
tribulation period begins after the opening of the sixth
The book presents a catastrophic forecast for the
earth based on the earthquake resurrection prophetic
model, speculating that the power magnified and spread
over the earth when countless millions of the dead in
Christ are resurrected will cause worldwide natural
disasters to be unleashed upon a globe ensared in the
aftermath. If you’ve ever wondered how the disappearance
of millions of Christians will be explained to those
left behind, read this book.
Not for the faint of heart, this book covers the
prophetic implications of the resurrection of the dead,
the transformation to immortality, the catching up
event, and Revelation chapters 4 through 7 like no other
book. And just wait until you read about the startling
possible identity of the 144,000! Think Left Behind on
theological steroids.
Earthquake Resurrection is not to be missed: a must
for all interested in Bible prophecy and the future.
ISBN: 1-4116-3970-7
Paperback: 343 pages
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