June 6, 2006: 6 Things You Must Know
You might disagree, but hear me out on this...
There are at least a dozen credible sources reporting on
the strong occult 'signatures' stamped all over major world
events recently, implying that events of global import are planned using
certain patterns. Oft quoted examples are:
- The '777' patterns found in the London bombings on July
7th, 2005;
- The '11' patterns found all over the 9/11 attack; and,
- The Madrid Train Bombings 911 days after 9/11 on March
11, 2004.
If this information is new to you, download a free
explanatory report.
If we combine the two important dates of June 5th and
June 6th, together with recent world events, we obtain the
following extremely significant occult triplications:
- 222 days from the Muslim riots in Paris;
- 333 days from the London Train Bombings;
- 444 days from the second anniversary of the Iraq
- 555 days from November 28, 2004 (the 333rd day of the
year, with 33 remaining);
- 666 in the date pattern and in the pattern until the end of
the Mayan calendar;
- 777 days from the foiled Sears Tower Attack.
An important question to ask is "Why do perpetrators choose
to stamp their occult signatures all over major world events,
in a similar manner to that of serial killers?"
For 2 reasons:
- They want to hide the truth from the masses, while
communicating their success (in orchestrating a planned
crisis) to the elite. Public radio
broadcasts were used to transmit secret messages to
resistance members in World War 2. Exactly the same method
works now, albeit slightly more hi-tech.
- Our Global Leadership believes that a planned crisis may
fail unless it is carried out 'by the numbers'. The most
venerated occult numbers are: 6, 11, 13, and multiples
thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 and 26, 39, etc.
A triplication of numbers is considered even more sacred to
the occultist: 111, 222, 333, etc. The most familiar
triplication is 666, said to be 'the number
of The
Beast, mentioned in the Bible. This number is often
disguised as an 18, which is a 6+6+6 or 3x6. (See
666 and 888 for an explanation of the significance of
these numbers in the Bible).
The evidence FOR such signatures on major world events is
overwhelming, and far too lengthy to cover in this short
article (see "explanatory report" link above for more proof than you could ever
need). Nevertheless, there is a natural reluctance to
accepting what is blatantly obvious.
The reason for the reluctance is Public Education. From an
early age we are taught the Accidental View of History – in
other words, events happen just because they do. On the other
side of the coin is the
Conspiratorial View of History , which
argues, incredibly convincingly, that major world events are
planned according to a specific timeline, and for very
specific reasons.
[Although not the scope of this article, do
a web search for 'Hegelian Dialectics', which explains how an
existing force (the thesis) generates a counterforce (the
antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the
forming of a synthesis, or desired outcome. ]
With an understanding of how our Global Leadership use
these signatures to secretly communicate their dastardly
deeds, it is sometimes possible to predict the likelihood of a
major world event before it occurs. Using careful analysis of
recent history, here are 6 significant facts about June 6,
2006 (apart from the obvious 06/06/06 in the date itself).
- June 6, 2006 is the 62nd anniversary of D-Day. The
Normandy invasion, codenamed Operation Overlord, remains the
largest seaborne invasion in history involving almost three
million troops crossing the English Channel from England to
Normandy in then German-occupied France. Conspiratorial
History buffs will know that
WW2 was planned in order to
bring International Communism to the fore. What better way
to commemorate the anniversary of a major WW2 event than a
human sacrifice using a planned disaster 62 years later to
the day? June 6th is also exactly 40 years since June 6,
1966 (6/6/66) - 40 years being associated in the Bible with
a period of testing. Has the Earth been tested for the
past 40 years? Hmmm.
LeftBehind.com is releasing their latest book,
Rapture on June 6, 2006. The Rapture is a Biblical concept
where in the twinkling of an eye millions are expected to
disappear without a trace. What better way to gain further
publicity by launching a book with this theme on the day of
a planned disaster?
- The movie The Beast is due for release on June 6, 2006.
Quote from
website: "The theory that Jesus Christ never existed,
while largely unknown to most lay Christians, is gaining
credibility among scholars. Historians do not consider the
Gospels to be historically accurate accounts. The authors of
the Gospels, writing 40 to 90 years after the supposed life
of Christ, never intended for their works to be read as
biographies. There are no credible non-Christian references
to Christ during the period in which he is said to have
lived." Again, what better way to gain further publicity by
launching a movie with this theme on the day of a planned
disaster? Another movie due for release on the day is
the horror,
The Omen 666, originally released exactly thirty years
earlier on on June 6, 1976.
- June 6, 2006 is exactly 222 days after the
mainly Muslim
riots in France started on October 27th 2005. The riots were
sparked by the electrocution of two youths who were chased
by police.
- June 6, 2006 is exactly 444 days after the
second anniversary of the
US Invasion of Iraq.
- June 6, 2006 is exactly 6 years before the next Venus
transit across the face of the sun on June 6, 2012, which is the year recognized as the
end of the Mayan calendar. Planetary alignments are also
extremely significant to our Global Leaders, and Venus
transits are among the rarest of planetary alignments.
Only six such events have occurred since the invention
of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). June 6, 2006 is also 6
years, 6 months and 16 days before December 21, 2012, which
is the last day of the Mayan Calendar. This gives a double
666: the date itself and the triple 6’s from the elapsed
So, apart from the significance of the date, the occurrence
of a rare planetary alignment and the release of three
controversial media on the day, we also have 3 triplications:
222, 444 and 666.
But what if I told you there are further interesting
patterns in the elapsed time between another key date in
history and June 6, 2006?
Bear with me now as we perform a few numerical gymnastics –
you will find the numbers fascinating.
The next key date in recent history to consider is April
19th, 2004, which turned out to be a non-event. It was on this
date that a planned 'terrorist' attack against the Sears Tower
Chicago was averted. Had the attack occurred on this date,
it would have been 911 hours after the day of the Madrid Train
Bombings on March 11, 2004, which in turn was 911 days after
September 11, 2001.
Had the Sears attack been successful, what better way to
commemorate our Global Leaders’ evil deeds than another attack
444 and 777 days later? Almost unbelievably, the London Train
Bombings on
July 7, 2005 occurred
444 days after the Sears non-event. June 6,
2006 is 778 days after the foiled planned Sears attack on
April 19th. (Darn, would have been neat if it was 777 days.
But keep the number 778 in mind).
To take this even further, June 6, 2006 is 10 months and 30
days, or 334 days after the London bombings on 7/7/2005.
(Darn, would have been neat if it was 333 days. But wait -
keep the number 334 and 778 in mind).
Why are the numbers 334 and 778 significant?
Because the day before June 6th is another perfect day for
the occult planners. Here's the reason:
The number of days between 9/11/01 and 6/5/6 is 1,728 days.
If we add each of these digits together we get: 1+7+2+8 = 18
or 3*6 or the hidden 666.
As we have seen above, the number of days between the
London bombings on 7/7/2005 and June 5, 2006 is 333 days. The
number of days between the foiled Sears attack and June 5,
2006 is 777 days.
Further, June 5, 1981 is the date on which AIDS was first
announced, when it was first detected in five men in Los
Angeles. So June 5, 2006 will be the 25th anniversary of AIDS,
which many now accept as a purely man-made disease to reduce
the planet's population.
Finally, 555 days prior to June 6, 2006 is
November 28, 2004. Since 2004 was a
leap year, November 28 was the 333rd day of the year,
with 33 days remaining until the end of the year (see
Wikipedia). While I cannot find a news event of
global importance on November 28, 2004, the number of triplications is interesting.
So if we combine the two important dates of June 5th and
June 6th, together with recent world events, we obtain the
following extremely significant occult triplications:
- 222 days from the Muslim riots in Paris;
- 333 days from the London Train Bombings;
- 444 days from the second anniversary of the Iraq
- 555 days from November 28, 2004 (the 333rd day of the
year, with 33 remaining);
- 666 in the date pattern and the pattern until the end of
the Mayan calendar;
- 777 days from the foiled Sears Tower Attack.
Pretty convincing so far that June 6, 2006 would be a good
day to choose if one wanted to stamp a planned crisis with an
occult signature. But the next question is how does one plan a
crisis that spans two days? While one option would be to
create two incidents, one for each day, I believe a different
approach will be taken.
Using international time differences, it just might be
possible to stage an event which occurs on 6/6/6 local time,
while in New York (the time zone of the 9/11 attack) it is
still June 5th, which would be 1,728 days since 9/11. This
approach is the same used for the Cairo bombing on
July 22,
2005 GMT.
Therefore the key date is June 5th in the US, while the
date is June 6th elsewhere.
Changing tacks just for a brief moment.
Considering the recent
Muslim cartoon debacle, is it purely
coincidence that the largest Muslim nations are approximately
12 hours ahead in time when compared to US East Coast Standard
time? This is significant, because using these two locations,
it would be possible to stage an event covering both the 5th
and 6th of June. (At 9:00am on 6/6/6 in Kuala Lumpur, the
capital of Malaysia, it will be 9:00pm in New York on 5/6/6.)
The Islamic nations which are approximately 12 hours ahead
of New York are tabled below, together with the number of
practicing muslims:
- Indonesia (189m – now you know why Bali is targeted so
- Pakistan (145m)
- India (131m)
- Bangladesh (119m)
- Turkey (68m)
- Iran (68m)
- Malaysia (11m)
For the reasons quoted above, I believe that the
probability for another planned 'terrorist' attack on June 6,
2006 is extremely high. Some are suggesting that
Anti-Christ may be
revealed on the day. If nothing happens on this day, either
- the globalists will have decided not to be so blatant
with their plans due to their being exposed by this and
similar sites; or,
- their planned event was so grandiose that the required
prerequisites could not be implemented in time. (Christians
may say that Satanic plans were derailed by God).
We will have to wait and see what happens.
See also Other Warnings.
From an Email Subscriber:
Could WWIII start in 06/06/06? That day including 666 in
many contest: it is 36 day from Beltaine(36 is 6x6 and when we
sum numbers 1 to 36 total is 666.). Next day 06/07/06 is 136
days and 136 years after vision of Albert Pike in 1870, 6
days, 9 months and 66 years from beginning of WWII and
15(1+5=6) days, 6 months and 6 years before end of Mayan
calendar. 06/06/06 is 9 days, 11 months and 91 years from
beginning of WWI, 444 days from second anniversary of Iraq
invasion, there is 333 days between London's bombing and that
day and 222 days from French's Muslim riots.
What to Do
The warning above is presented as-is: what you choose to do
with the information is purely your decision.
We are in a phase of humanity's development where more and
more natural disasters and loss of life will occur.
While this news can be depressing, there is no reason to
be concerned, depressed, anxious or disheartened IF
your mindset is right for the coming years.
I have a wealth of information presented in the How to
Prepare Section.
June 6, 2006 Sources
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