Researching or Preparing for a School Assignment?
We advise strongly AGAINST using anything found on
this site in a school assignment. While we personally
believe the content presented here is factual, the sad truth
is that the Accidental View of History is taught
by most schools today, under coercion from governments, who
provide their funding. While we believe this is wrong,
we are not out to change entire education systems - just your
mind. It's likely your teacher/professor will fail
you if you present the theories found here. You have
been warned!
However, you will find our
download of World War
Statistics useful. It consists of timelines for each
World War and many other useful statistics. It was used
in the extensive research and preparation for this site and
has been gathered from many reputable sites on the Internet.
This you
CAN use safely in your school assignments!
While you are free to refer to any information you find on this
site, please ensure full accreditation is included as follows:
©2009 and beyond - Three World
(reproduced with permission)
Finally, if you are
preparing or submitting a paper broadly in line with
our thinking, we would love to hear
from you.