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Radio Interview Notes - February 8, 2006



Notes to accompany a radio interview with Dr. Gianni Hayes on February 28, 2006, on The American Voice.  All links open in a new window, so that you do not lose your place here.

Summary of 2005 in Review

  • The Middle East: 21 Events focused on Iraq, Iran, Syria and stirring of Muslim hatred: Iran particularly vociferous.

  • Israel & Palestine: 13 Events, including Gaza Withdrawal, Sharon's removal, US military base in Israel.

  • The Far East: 3 Events, including new law which allows China to invade Taiwan 'under certain circumstances'.

  • Erosion of Confidence: 30, including massive US Debt and National ID Card.

  • US Invasion: Too early for news reports, but as America loses strength so the risk of invasion increases.

  • Significant Population Reduction: 11, Including Bird Flu and US East Coast hurricanes.

For a discussion of the Muslim Cartoon Debacle, see this newsletter.

What to Do



What you are about to read is a pretty depressing view of the world and coming events.  But there is no reason to be concerned, depressed, anxious or  disheartened IF your mindset is right for the coming years.  Fortunately, there is a new book which will help address the necessary change of mindset, called Fresh Wisdom - Breakthrough to EnlightenmentRead details.




Six Elements of WW3

Ultimate Objective: Global Government = Slave Force of 2 billion (after 4 billion 'useless eaters' have been removed).


Numerology is the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their influence on human life.  The study focuses on key numbers, and all names, events, dates, etc can be reduced to patterns of key numbers.  The most venerated occult numbers are: 6, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 and 26, 39, etc. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the occultist: 111, 222, 333, etc.  Very often, triplicated numbers are hidden as other numbers.  The best known example is 666 which is often hidden as 18, which is simply 3x6.

9/11 was replete with repetitions of 11.

June 6th, 2006

June 6th is 1,729 days after 9/11.  1+7+2+8 = 18 or 3x6 or 6+6+6.  Therefore key date is June 5th in US, while June 6th elsewhere.

Possible target is SE Asia on June 5th pm EST.  Further details of this date can be found in WW3 Dates to Watch.

The Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012.  I believe WW3 will end by this date, so that a new Age of Enlightenment may begin after the purging.  Since I believe the war will last approximately 5 years, this implies a start by no later than December 2007.

Triangular Theory of Consciousness

Phrase coined by Dr Ian Weinberg in 'Quantum-determinism – an Integrative Model of Holistic Consciousness’. Published in Quantum Leap, Sygma Books, 1998.

Layman's Summary:  All themes of knowledge can be summarized.  Imagine the tip of a pyramid as being the core teachings.  The discerning thinker genuinely seeking wisdom accepts all the proven peaks (even if contrary to personal beliefs) and amalgamates all into a life paradigm.  In so doing a new learning curve is created, culminating in yet another peak, or summary of human knowledge.

As relates to Current Events: Forget the detail and filter out noise and categorize events into 6 areas above.  You will see a pattern developing and a grand picture unfolding.

My Current 'Pyramid'

Using the Triangular Theory of Consciousness, and after applying the research by others who have gone before, this is my pinnacle of understanding regarding WW3.  The process of getting to this point has obviously been omitted in the interests of brevity.  The discerning reader will evaluate this to see whether it fits in with their current mindset.  If it does not have 'the ring of truth' for you, it should simply be discarded.

Progress of WW3

  • US, Israel and UK continue attempts to dominate the world and implement global government.
  • Russia, China and Islam (Muslim nations) strike secret deal to overcome 'New World Order'.
  • Russia moves south and west through Iran, Turkey and Syria to attack Israel.
  • China moves east to take Taiwan and assists North Korea to take South Korea.  Ultimate goal in the east is Japan.
  • While these fronts are fighting, US$ crashes, unemployment riots, Martial Law, stock market crash, widespread disease.
  • Once Russia has secured Middle East and China has secured Far East, both move towards US, while she is crippled with internal distractions.  China moves through Northern Russia and Canada to take West Coast; Russia using subs in North Atlantic to take East Coast.
  • East and West Coast cities destroyed by nuclear attacks.
  • Tesla Technology will be used to protect bread-basket between the Rockies & Appalachians from nuclear fallout.
  • War ends once China has the US, Russia has Europe and Islam is in control of the Middle East.
  • Expected end of war is end 2012, when a new age of enlightenment will start (start of Age of Aquarius).

The Progress of the New World Order

  • The Bible is not always to be taken literally.
  • The Bible contains many accounts and stories also contained in other religious texts.  One of these is Adam & Eve and 'the fall of man'.
  • A conflict existed between God & Satan about who was the Creator and who the created.  Satan felt threatened and devised a plot to develop his own bloodline, with the intent of taking over God's creation.
  • Cain and Abel were maternal twins, but not paternal.  Cain was fathered by Satan; Abel by Adam.  (Gen. 3:13 - "the serpent [Satan] beguiled (greatly and utterly seduced) me, and I did eat (partake of the adulterous act)."  This is why God did not accept Cain's offering - He knew who his father was.  (Verse translated using The Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.)
  • Satan's offspring produced the 13 Satanic Bloodlines.
  • These 13 families are intent on creating a Global Government.  Their intention is to create a useful slave force, but Satan's desire is to become World Leader (Anti-Christ) so that all the nations will worship him.  To achieve Global Government, the Satanic Bloodline places puppets in positions of power, with the reward of great financial wealth e.g. Bush Family.
  • Satan will be permitted to continue with this plan until God steps in to intervene.

What to Do

A stated previously, this is a pretty depressing view of the world and coming events.  But there is no reason to be concerned, depressed, anxious or  disheartened IF your mindset is right for the coming years.  Fortunately, there is a new book which will help address the necessary change of mindset, called Fresh Wisdom - Breakthrough to EnlightenmentRead details.