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2005 Year in Review

2005 in Review

2004 in Review

2003 in Review

Start of World War 3

World War 3: Middle East

World War 3: Israel and Palestine

World War Three: Far East (China and Taiwan)

World War Three: Terrorism in Western Cities




  2005 Year in Review


2005 Year in Review

The only way to make sense of events during a tumultuous 2005 is to understand trends.  Perspective is our most valuable asset.  Once we understand the trends underway we are in a position of power to make
intelligent decisions.

Do not be concerned about the minutiae of current events during 2005.  They are designed to keep us fearful, stressed and confused.  Once we understand the principles, we do not need to study any details.  We will know the details by knowing their principles.  That is the purpose of this article.

As Lao Tzu says:

"Those who know are not learned;
Those who are learned do not know."

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to become learned.  This will involve unlearning everything you may currently know about political and military events.

One of the benefits of hindsight is that we can step back and view the progress of the planned World War 3 during 2005 using a greater perspective.  While we are bombarded with news reports of inconsequential matters on a daily basis, it is extremely difficult to
follow the unfolding grand plan.

By reviewing significant events in 2005 (after filtering out the inconsequential) the progress of this planned war becomes frightening indeed.  The most relevant news events following the 6 major trends have been
tabled on a single page.  Reading through them sends a chilling message that we are closer to WW3 than any of us could possibly realize.  Taking the time to read it may completely change your New Year resolutions for 2006.  

2005 - Year in Review

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2005 - Year in Review