world war 3

world war 3

World War III world war 3 Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures world war iii Leaders Casualties world war 3 prophecy. Learn about the Conspiratorial Nature of History and how three world wars have been planned for many decades. Just as the general population in 1914 and 1945 had no idea the first invasions were to be the start of a World War, so too is today's man-in-the-street unaware that we may have entered the start of a planned Next World War. Read on to discover the truth about World Wars and why the next World War is a certainty, and how close we really are. World War III world war 3 Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures world war iii Leaders Casualties world war 3 prophecy.


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We believe: That all historic events of importance have happened by design (see An Introduction to Conspiratorial History); That three world wars were planned as far back as 1776 and that the reasons given for the start of World Wars 1 and 2 are contrived; That the plans for the next World War are well laid out and are already following a clearly defined script, with only minor adjustments made to the timing thereof to allow for unforeseen delays to the grand plan; That all the elements necessary for the start of World War III and the subsequent destruction of society as we know it are now in place; That it is our duty to inform and educate those who wish to be informed. World War III world war 3 Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures world war iii Leaders Casualties world war 3 prophecy. Two have already been achieved, and the final World War envisions an attack on Iraq as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into Iraq (or elsewhere in the Middle East - like Syria) with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. This will usher in the start of World War Three. World War III world war 3 Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures world war iii Leaders Casualties world war 3 prophecy.