world war 3 prophecy

world war 3 prophecy

World War III world war 3 prophecy Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures nostradamus world war 3 Leaders Casualties prediction world war 3. We believe: That all historic events of importance have happened by design (see An Introduction to Conspiratorial History); That three world wars were planned as far back as 1776 and that the reasons given for the start of World Wars 1 and 2 are contrived; That the plans for the next World War are well laid out and are already following a clearly defined script, with only minor adjustments made to the timing thereof to allow for unforeseen delays to the grand plan; That all the elements necessary for the start of World War III and the subsequent destruction of society as we know it are now in place; That it is our duty to inform and educate those who wish to be informed. A 3-war scenario was developed several decades ago. Once America is firmly entrenched into Iraq (or elsewhere in the Middle East - like Syria) with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. World War III world war 3 prophecy Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures nostradamus world war 3 Leaders Casualties prediction world war 3.


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Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. World War III world war 3 prophecy Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures nostradamus world war 3 Leaders Casualties prediction world war 3. While it would be naive to suggest a specific timeline for the events mentioned above, we do know that the plans for World War 3 are well advanced, and our leaders involved in this secret plan are waiting only for the right signal before all-out war begins. In the words of Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script: "Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. World War III world war 3 prophecy Timeline Prediction Dates Pictures nostradamus world war 3 Leaders Casualties prediction world war 3.